Definitions ..
. Throughout this document I have used the terms; display, exhibit, exhibition, gallery but found that they do not have definitive specific dictionary definitions, as their meanings vary depending on country, culture, institution, or individual that is using them.

For the purposes of clarity, I will refer to the meanings given in Dean's, Museum Exhibition, of the following expressions:

  • Display will generally refer to a presentation of objects for public view without significant interpretation added.
  • Exhibit will usually mean the localised grouping of objects and interpretative materials that form a cohesive unit within a gallery [or exhibition].
  • Exhibition will be used to allude to a comprehensive grouping of all elements (including exhibits and displays) that form a complete public presentation of collections and information for the public use. [source]

Supplementary to these definitions, I will also use the term: object to stand in place of a wide range of museum displayed materials; paintings, sculpture, artefacts, fossils, natural history specimens, textiles, documents etc.

Definitions ..